September 20, 2023

House Budget Committee Passes GOP Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2024

WASHINGTON – Today, after months of work preparing a balanced budget, Congressman Moore and the other Republican members of the House Budget Committee voted to pass a budget resolution that aims to reverse our nation’s debt culture, sending it to the House floor for consideration. With the national debt recently reaching an unprecedented $33 trillion, this budget counters the Biden Administration’s tax-and-spend agenda and creates a path to balancing the budget in 10 years.

This plan would:

  • Lower interest payments on the debt by $3 trillion over 10 years
  • Reduce deficits by $16.3 trillion over the next decade
  • Create a $130 billion budget surplus in Fiscal Year 2033
  • Grow the economy by 3% per year

Congressman Blake Moore spoke in favor of the budget resolution in the Budget Committee markup. You can watch his remarks here

Additional information from the House Budget Committee:

Resolution Text

Executive Summary

Section-by-Section Summary

Budget Committee’s Proposal Versus President Biden’s Budget

