January 18, 2024

Congressman Blake Moore's Statement on House Passage of the Continuing Resolution to Avoid a Partial Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON -- Congressman Blake Moore voted in favor of H.R. 2872, the continuing resolution to avoid a partial government shutdown and issued the following statement:

“I supported the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) last year because it would reduce our national deficit by $2.1 trillion over six years and included several critical conservative wins. It was the first time I had the opportunity to support legislation to help reverse our debt crisis since I joined Congress, and I’ve remained consistent in supporting measures that take steps toward getting our fiscal house in order. 

Tonight, I voted ‘yes’ on the Continuing Resolution for a three key reasons. First, Speaker Johnson was able to negotiate a $16 billion reduction in topline spending in addition to the reductions included in the FRA. It also allows us more time for us to complete our appropriations process, secure more conservative policy wins, and avoid a rushed omnibus disaster. 

Second, the First District is home to 40,000 federal workers, uniformed personnel, and military dependents who rely on federal paychecks for their work and service. I cannot in good conscience vote to shut down the government for political purposes at the cost of their livelihoods. 

Third, Hill Air Force Base is crucial to the U.S. Air Force’s operations and readiness. The base hosts the nation’s first active duty combat capable F-35 unit, headquarters the Sentinel program that will replace and modernize our outdated nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, and houses an aircraft depot maintenance center shoring up the nation’s defense industrial base. Keeping the base open and operating—even at current levels—protects U.S. national security objectives and keeps our homeland safe.

I agree with the frustration surrounding this process, which should have been completed in September. However, political grandstanding and difficult processes continue to get in the way. Just this week, I have introduced multiple bills to increase the transparency and efficiency of our federal budgeting process so we avoid falling this far behind in the future. 

I am 100% confident that going into a government shutdown would only result in a worse deal. Right now, we’re playing in overtime, and we have to continue our work, pass budget cuts, and win the game.”
