April 28, 2021

Congressman Blake Moore’s Statement on President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Blake Moore issued the below statement on President Biden’s joint address to Congress.

“I appreciated listening to President Biden’s vision for America, and I am grateful for his service to our nation. However, I have grave concerns about his agenda items that will adversely impact Utah’s First District and Americans across the country. 

“Since my first day in office, I have looked forward to working with the Biden Administration and finding common ground on issues that both sides of the aisle prioritize, including immigration, infrastructure, and economic recovery. I sent President Biden a letter expressing my desire to put productivity over partisanship to deliver results for Utahns and Americans at large. But unfortunately President Biden has not exemplified the values or principles on which he ran. Despite his calls for unity and bipartisanship, his first 100 days in office have revealed one of the most partisan administrations in our history with 42 executive orders—the most since the Truman Administration—that push left-wing priorities without any input at all from Congress, American families, or other stakeholders. His executive order halting oil and gas leases has threatened the livelihoods of Utahns living in our rural communities, and his corporate and federal tax hikes will stunt our nation’s desperately needed economic growth, exacerbate our national debt crisis, and harm job prospects for the most vulnerable in our communities.  

“I applaud and echo Senator Tim Scott’s outlook for America’s future. I am hopeful that we can unite and find bipartisan solutions to our country’s most pressing problems as we recover from the pandemic. Americans need us to work together now more than ever, and I am committed to doing my part to work across the aisle and advocate for the interests of northern Utah.”
