September 30, 2023

Congressman Blake Moore’s Statement on House Passage of a Continuing Resolution to Fund the Government

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Blake Moore voted in favor of the continuing resolution to keep the government funded and released the following statement:

“I was proud to join the Utah House delegation and vote for today’s continuing resolution that will ensure the servicemen and women at Hill Air Force Base and the over 40,000 federal workers, uniformed personnel, and military dependents in my district continue to receive a paycheck for their work and service. 

The only way to lower federal spending is to pass appropriations bills that actually lower federal spending. House Republicans have finalized over 70% of the funding within these 12 appropriations bills that include cuts to wasteful spending from the federal budget. We will now use the coming days to complete and pass the remaining appropriations bills. 

So far, House Republicans have passed 74% of our discretionary federal funding, prioritizing defense, veterans, and homeland security. We are the only chamber that has passed anything at all. I am committed to finishing the job and responsibly lowering our federal spending while ensuring the government stays open and works for the American people.”
