January 13, 2021

Congressman Blake Moore Statement on Impeachment Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Blake Moore issued the following statement on the impeachment vote.

“Last Wednesday, when I voted against the majority of my party on my third day in office, I realized that I can make hard and seemingly unpopular decisions. Voting to strip electoral votes from sovereign states is a dangerous precedent, and I did not hear anything that justified such a high bar. I am committed to being level-headed and objective in my representation of the First District as I uphold my oath to defend the Constitution. 

Last week’s vote, however, was much easier than today’s decision. Today, I want the First District to know that regardless of how difficult and emotional a decision this will be for me, I will remain objective and ground my votes in the Constitution and the rule of law. This role is bigger than I am. I am a representative of the First District. 

A rushed impeachment will set as dangerous a precedent as a misguided attempt to overturn state-certified elections. Without a single hearing or investigation, I simply cannot reach the high bar of impeachment. Instead, I have joined nine colleagues in introducing a censure resolution that I believe will provide a swifter and more constitutional path to accountability. I have also requested to join a bipartisan commission to investigate the attack on January 6th. To my critics—and there will be many—please know that this was the most painful decision I have ever made in my life. Other members of my party will vote to impeach, and after countless conversations with them, I know their motives are pure, and I believe we share the same desire for a more productive and unified America. 

Last week, I feared for my life and the safety of my family. Because of the position I took, the Governor of Utah felt compelled to dispatch a patrol car to protect my wife and children. I ache for the families of those who were killed and lost their lives that day and for those who will relive this trauma for years to come. Please know that I demand justice for January 6th, but a snap impeachment is not the answer. I was not elected to solely vote my personal feelings but to vote objectively with respect to the Constitution and my district. I will defend this decision, and I pledge to work hard to keep your trust.”
