September 03, 2021

Congressman Blake Moore Cosponsors the Care for Her Act to Ensure Equal Opportunities and Resources for Expecting Mothers and Children

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Blake Moore joined his colleagues in cosponsoring Congressman Jeff Fortenberry’s Care for Her Act to establish a commitment to care for expecting mothers and their unborn children through expanding the Child Tax Credit, providing state and federal resources, distributing grants for housing, job training, and more.

“I am honored to be an original cosponsor of Rep. Fortenberry’s Care for Her Act.  Every child should be given equal opportunities, no matter the circumstances of their conception or birth. I support comprehensive resources for low-income mothers and children,” Congressman Blake Moore (UT-01) said“We must empower women by giving them the resources they need to provide healthy, safe, and stable outcomes for their families,” Moore added.

“I am pleased that so many of my colleagues are joining with me to say we should be big enough and generous enough to care for a woman and her child who need help in times of vulnerability.  This is our chance to support a woman with an unexpected pregnancy all the way through birth and child-rearing.  Care for Her establishes a community of care for the journey of life,” Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01) said. 

Care for Her ensures women know what services and support are available to them, including maternity housing, mentorship, and job training.  It provides a tax credit to the pregnant mother with a pre-born child.  And it provides performance incentives for communities that demonstrate improved maternal and child health outcomes,Fortenberry added.

“No expecting mother should feel alone.  Unfortunately, many women are not aware of the local, state, and federal resources available to them, especially during an unplanned pregnancy,” Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-39) said.  “As a mother of four, I’m proud to join my colleagues to introduce the Care for Her Act to strengthen the outreach and effectiveness of programs for education, mentoring, housing and other support services for pregnant women and their children,” Kim added.

“Information is power and far too many expecting women in our community are unaware of the many local, specialized resources available to them,” Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar (FL-27) said.  “I raised my two girls as a single mom and I’m proud to join my colleagues to introduce the Care for Her Act to empower expecting mothers by taking a more holistic approach to supporting their needs and providing as many resources as possible,” Salazar added.

“The Care for Her Act will help provide necessary support to women during an unexpected pregnancy.  I am proud to support this bill as I am confident it can improve maternal and child health moving forward, which has a broader impact on entire families and communities.  I thank Rep. Fortenberry for his leadership on this issue and look forward to working alongside my colleagues to get this bill approved,” Congresswoman Jenniffer González-Colón (PR-AL) said.

“The Care for Her Act supports women and their children, which is something all Americans should be able to support,” Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) said.  “I am thankful for Congressman Fortenberry’s leadership in supporting both women and their children, and I am proud to support this legislation and stand for the vulnerable,” Stefanik added.

“The Care for Her Act is an important piece of legislation that will make sure expectant mothers know about and have access to resources they need to ensure safe and healthy pregnancies.  I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this important legislation to support and empower women through all stages of their pregnancies,” Congresswoman Liz Cheney (WY-AL) said.

“The Care for Her Act creates and expands resources for pregnant women and delivers greater peace of mind to expecting mothers, especially those facing unexpected pregnancy,” Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) said.  “This innovative new community-based approach includes things like a pre-born child tax credit, educational resources, housing grants, and improvements to healthcare.  It is so important that we invest in families and properly care for those beginning the rewarding journey of motherhood.  I’m honored to join with Congressman Fortenberry to introduce this legislation,” Tenney added.

“I have long been an advocate for pregnant women and their children, and I have appreciated working with national and local programs to ensure they have the support they need during a vulnerable time.  The Care for Her Act will bolster those programs by providing critical resources for pregnant women, including educational tools, mentoring programs, and other support services,” Congresswoman Ann Wagner (MO-2) said.

Original Cosponsors of the Care for Her Act: Rep. Liz Cheney, Rep. Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, Rep. Young Kim, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Rep. Blake Moore, Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, Rep. Elise Stefanik, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Rep. Ann Wagner.

The full bill text can be found here.
